Wilbur Fisk Sanders has been mentioned considerably in many works on Montana history but has never been the subject of a comprehensive individual work. Order Without Law is the first and complete work devoted to Montana’s first U.S. Senator and introduces never before published aspects to his colorful and important history.
This work is the culmination of years of research from every original and digital source available to the author. It is the product of painstaking data analysis from unique sources including publications no longer existing in the public domain, on sight battlefield surveys and National Park historian interviews and lectures. Every attempt has been made to fully source all information cited and includes multi-source comparative analysis. This resulting story is one without opinionated editorials and includes all available facts – complimentary and otherwise. The intent of the work is to provide a complete record and is provided in a manner that is most compatible with substantiated research.
The author has taken the opportunity to include one appendix intended to entertain Interpretive History Theories with the intention of debunking some of the more prominent folly where such practices may lend to fiction.